Rolling Loud Europe

General Terms and Conditions of the Organiser







These general terms and conditions (“Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs”) apply to attendance of Rolling Loud Europe (“event”) and are applicable along with any applicable terms of use, see Rolling Loud Europe Terms of Use, to the use of the website [] and any general terms and conditions of our official ticket partners when purchasing tickets to the event. In purchasing and possessing a ticket to the event, the relevant person accepts the applicability of the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs. The event is organised by Live Nation, Austria GmbH, Alser Straße 21/91080 Vienna, Austria together with Rolling Loud, LLC, 7814 NE 4th Court, Suite #200, Miami, FL 33138 (collectively “we”, “us”, “organiser”).


1. Ticket purchasing
Tickets can only be purchased from Ticketmaster GmbH (see and Oeticket (CTS Eventim Austria GmbH, see The general terms and conditions of Ticketmaster GmbH (“Ticketmaster T&Cs”) and the general terms and conditions of CTS Eventim Austria GmbH (“Oeticket AGB”) apply exclusively to the handling of the ticket purchase. These are available at Ticketmaster T&Cs and Oeticket T&Cs. The Ticketmaster T&Cs and Oeticket T&Cs are an integral part of these general terms and conditions. In the event of a conflict between the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs and the Ticketmaster T&Cs or Oeticket T&Cs, the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs will take precedence. Each customer is allowed to purchase a maximum of ten (10) tickets. Should the number of tickets ordered by a customer exceed ten (10), the organiser reserves the right to have the orders exceeding these limitations cancelled by the ticket provider.

2. Admission right / Age restriction
Attendees must be at least 16 years old to be admitted to the event. In addition, the Lower Austrian Youth Protection Act as amended applies to the entire venue.

3. Liability of the organiser
The organiser shall not be held liable for damage of any nature. This does not apply to damage that the organiser has caused deliberately or through gross negligence; to damage related to injury to life, body or health in cases of (simple) negligence of the organiser; and to a simple negligent breach of essential contractual duties by the organiser. Essential contractual duties are all duties whose fulfilment enables the proper performance of the contract in the first place and on whose adherence the attendee ordinarily relies and is entitled to rely. In cases of simple negligent breach of essential contractual duties – except for injuries to life, body or health – the liability of the organiser is limited to the damage typical for the contract and foreseeable for the organiser on conclusion of the contract or on commission of the breach of duty. In this respect, the organiser is not liable for damage that is attributable exclusively to the area of risk borne by the attendee.
The above liability exclusions and limitations also apply to the liability of the organiser for the bodies, employees and agents of the same, and to the personal liability of the bodies, employees and agents of the organiser.

4. Entering and leaving the event site
Before entering the festival site for the first time, the entry tickets required for this area will be fully validated. When leaving the festival site during the event, attendees will receive an exit ticket or an exit wristband. To re-enter the festival site, attendees must show either their undamaged exit ticket or their undamaged exit wristband together with the validated entry ticket; otherwise, there will be no entitlement to re-entry. Alternatively, the organiser may decide to attach or give a wristband to attendees before they enter the festival site for the first time. This replaces an exit ticket, and must be carried undamaged, together with the associated entry ticket, at all times during the event. “Event site” means the site in its entirety, including the parking and camping areas and the marked paths. “Festival site” means the audience area, which begins after the admission control to the stages (known as the “infield”). “Camping areas” are areas approved by the organiser and specifically designated for camping on the site plans. “Parking areas” are areas approved by the organiser and specifically designated for the parking of motorised vehicles on the site plans.

5. Security checks
5.1 A security check, including a body check, is performed by the stewards on admission both to the event site and to the festival site for reasons of security and order as well as waste prevention. Bags brought onto the campsite will also be searched. The organiser is entitled to refuse admission to the event and to the campsite if the attendee is carrying prohibited items or substances (see the house rules and the camping and parking rules) or if there is another risk to the health and safety of the attendee or other attendees (e.g. due to aggressive behaviour or if proof of admission entitlement is missing) or if the ticket used for entry has been invalidated or if the attendee is otherwise violating the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs.

5.2 We reserve the right to also perform random security checks during the event in order to ensure the safety of the event.

5.3 If the attendee is at fault for being refused access to the event or for being removed from the event, there will be no claim to a refund of the ticket price.

5.4 We reserve the right to refuse access if an attendee refuses to leave behind items which in our reasonable assessment may endanger or disrupt other persons during the event or which are included on the list of prohibited items in the festival site house rules or in the camping and parking rules.
The organiser is not obliged to store the items and assumes no liability for their loss.

6. Image and sound recordings on the event site
6.1 Only small cameras and mobile phones with camera functionality are permitted on the festival site, subject to the condition that these are only intended for personal and not commercial use. In particular, therefore, SLR cameras, cameras with zoom lenses or with any type of video functionality are not permitted. Video cameras and audio recording devices of any kind, such as tape recorders, MP3 recorders and dictation devices are also prohibited.
The organiser may refuse the attendee entry to the festival site if the attendee is unwilling to leave behind the prohibited devices. Section 5.4 applies accordingly.

6.2 All rights to audio and audio-visual recordings of the festival for purposes of commercial exploitation are reserved by the organiser. No-one may make, transmit and/or make publicly accessible such recordings for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the organiser. In particular, this includes the distribution of such recordings directly via the internet.

7. Use of sound and image recordings
We will film, live stream and photograph the event and produce audio and audio-visual recordings thereof. In each case, this may include the audience. By entering the event site, the attendee irrevocably consents to the unpaid use of their image and voice for photographs, live broadcasts, transmissions and/or for image and/or sound recordings created by the organiser, their representatives or other third parties in connection with the event, and to their subsequent use in all present and future media (particularly such as in the form of sound and image storage media, and to their digital distribution e.g. on the internet). This means in particular that the attendee grants the organiser and its third-party contractual partners/licensees the right, not limited by time, location or content, to record the attendee’s images, voice, actions and/or statements in any form and configuration without the attendee’s special consent and to reproduce, transmit or make them publicly accessible and/or distribute them in another way in media of its choice for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. On and around the festival site, recordings may be made by the police or security personnel for the safety of attendees or the prevention of crime. By entering the festival site, the attendee hereby consents to this.

8. Exclusion of attendees
If good cause exists, particularly if the attendee commits criminal offences on the event site (e.g. assault, theft, drug dealing), lights fireworks or endangers other attendees (e.g. by crowd surfing or similar), then the organiser is entitled to exclude the attendee from the event and expel them from the site. If the organiser exercises his right to exclude the attendee, then the attendee’s entry ticket loses its validity. There is no entitlement to re-admission or to a refund of the purchase price.

8a. Safety measures to protect the health of attendees in connection with Covid-19

8a.1 Covid-19, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is an infectious disease that can take a severe and potentially fatal course. There is a risk of transmission of Covid-19 in any environment where people congregate. This risk increases indoors and as the number of people increases. The World Health Organization (WHO) has indicated that the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions are at greater risk. For more information, visit the WHO website:

8a.2. We will take appropriate health protection measures based on our individual hygiene concept. We reserve the right to require, as a condition of admission to the event:

1. The provision of truthful contact details by each attendee to ensure contact tracing by the competent authorities in case of an infection;
2. The presentation or provision of a current (i.e. not older than 24h) negative test for an infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (we reserve the right to request a PCR test) and/or proof of immunisation officially recognised by the Austrian authorities, in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations; and
3. Verification of a normal body temperature by taking temperature measurements from the attendee.
We are therefore entitled to refuse admission to the event without refund if an attendee does not meet the requirements listed in section 8a.2.a. to c., as well as in the event it transpires that an attendee is obliged to be isolated (quarantined) due to an official order or by law.

This also applies in the following cases, in which the relevant person is not allowed to participate in the event:
a. Any person who exhibits typical symptoms of a Covid-19 infection (e.g. new persistent cough, fever, loss of sense of taste or smell);
b. Any person with a proven, current Covid-19 infection.

8a.3 In addition, the applicable regulations and recommendations of the relevant authorities must be observed when conducting the event in order to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. All visitors are expected to comply with the regulation and recommendations and, where applicable, to follow the code of conduct, which may be sent to ticket purchasers at short notice before the event and posted on site. This may include the following measures:
1. Wearing a medical face mask covering the mouth and nose on the event premises and in the immediate area;
2. Adhering to hygiene rules (e.g., washing hands regularly), other instructions stated in the code of conduct, and instructions given by us and our event and security staff or the venue;
3. Participation in random temperature measurements, where applicable.

8a.4. In the event of non-compliance with the above measures, we are entitled to exclude the attendee concerned from the event.

8a.5. Attendees should visit the event website in good time before the event to find out more information about the protective measures.
However, despite the reasonable measures we have taken, the risk of transmission cannot be completely eliminated. When an attendee participates in an event, they bear the risk in connection with Covid-19 themselves. In this respect, our liability for damage is excluded. Section I.3 paragraph 1 remains unaffected.

9. Damage to hearing and health
The festival attendee is aware and agrees that music festivals constitute an environment with high noise levels, and that pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines, strobe lighting or other special effects may occur during some performances. The organiser is only liable for damage to hearing and other damage to health if he or his agents are guilty of intent or negligence or if there has been a culpable failure to fulfil a duty to maintain safety. The attendee should avoid proximity to the loudspeakers; corresponding barriers must be strictly respected. The use of hearing protection is strongly recommended, particularly when close to the stages.
The event takes place outdoors. It is highly recommended that suitable clothing and shoes are brought to protect against possible adverse weather conditions.

10. Handling of entry tickets; prohibition of commercial resale / use
10.1 Entry tickets for the relevant area (campsite and / or festival site) must be retained and are non-transferable after validation.

10.2 Prohibited Transfer: We sell tickets to attendees exclusively for private, non-commercial use. Any resale of tickets for commercial or business purposes is prohibited. Commercial ticket sales and the ticket sale business are reserved solely for us and our authorised ticket agents. In particular, customers may not: (a) publicly sell tickets or offer such for sale in an auction (e.g., on Ebay); (b) offer for sale or sell tickets on Viagogo, StubHub, Ticketbande; (c) offer or transfer tickets for sale at a price higher than the price paid, with a maximum of 15% markup permitted to cover transaction costs; (d) sell or give away tickets to commercial or trade resellers and/or ticket vendors; (e) use or allow tickets to be used or sold for commercial or trade purposes without our prior written consent e.g. for raffle, promotional, marketing purposes or as giveaway, or as part of an unauthorised hospitality or travel package.

10.3 Permitted Transfer: The private transfer of a ticket for non-commercial reasons, in particular in individual cases of illness or other inability of the customer to attend, is permitted, provided this does not constitute an unauthorised transfer as defined in section 10.2. In this case, the customer can only transfer the rights and obligations from the attendance contract to a third party by the third party entering into the attendance contract in the customer’s place, assuming all rights and obligations. Entering into the attendance contract in this way requires our consent, which is hereby granted under the following conditions: (a) the transfer is a permitted transfer as described in section 10.3 above, (b) the customer expressly notifies the new ticket holder of the applicability and content of these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs, and the new ticket holder agrees to the application of these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs between him or her and us. The transfer of individual rights under the attendance contract is excluded if one of the conditions stated in (a) or (b) is not met.

10.4 Consequences of a prohibited transfer: A violation of the above conditions (sections 10.2-10.3) leads, subject to the imposition of a contractual penalty in accordance with section 10a, to the loss of the right of access without compensation, i.e. in this case, the ticket loses its validity and the organiser is entitled to withdraw the ticket as well as other access authorisations without compensation.

10.5 We do not provide reprints (e.g. in the event of loss of tickets). If the ticket has been altered and destroyed in whole or in part, we are entitled to invalidate it.

10.6 Unless expressly stated otherwise during the ordering process, tickets can only be cancelled in the event of cancellation or postponement of the event. Section 12.5 remains unaffected.

10a. Contractual Penalty
10a.1 Requirements: In the event of a culpable breach of these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs, in particular of one or more provisions in sections 10.2 (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) or 10.3 (a) or (b), we shall be entitled, in addition to the other measures and sanctions possible under these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs, and any claims for damages, to impose a contractual penalty on the relevant seller, to be determined by us at our reasonable discretion, the reasonableness of which may be reviewed by the competent court in the event of a dispute.

10a.2 Amount: The amount of the contractual penalty shall be determined in particular by taking into account the number and intensity of the breaches, the type and degree of fault (intentional or negligent), efforts and successes of the customer or ticket holder with regard to compensation for damage, the question of whether and to what extent a repeat offender is involved and, in the case of unauthorised resale of tickets, the number of tickets offered, sold, transferred or used as well, as any revenues or profits generated by the resale.

11. Use of the campsites
Camping is permitted from 12:00 noon on Thursday, 4 July 2024 and only on the marked campsites. Not all campsites will be opened at the same time, but only in certain areas as required. Wild camping is prohibited and will be prosecuted by the authorities. Environmental protection and the principles of waste avoidance and correct waste disposal must be observed. The unauthorised construction of fireplaces in camping areas or car parks is prohibited due to the resulting risk of fire.

12. Attendee arrival / parking / allocation of parking spaces
The attendee is responsible for their journey to the event and parks their vehicle at their own risk. Parking in unmarked areas is prohibited and will be prosecuted; vehicles may only be parked in designated parking areas or car parks. In these parking areas, the road traffic regulations apply (StVO). Escape and rescue lanes must be kept clear of any obstructions – especially parking cars – at all times. Cars parked outside of designated parking areas or blocking escape and rescue lanes will be towed away without prior notice. The towing fees will be charged to the person responsible for the obstruction.
In addition, the Parking Rules in part II of these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs apply.

13. Cancellation / postponement / programme changes
13.1 The event may be cancelled by the organiser, without grounds, up until the beginning of the event. Please check our website, in good time before travelling to the event in order to see whether the event is taking place as scheduled.

13.2 Programme changes can also occur at festivals. In the event of the cancellation of individual artists or groups of artists, the organiser will endeavour to find an appropriate replacement; attendees have no entitlement to claims due to cancellation of individual artists or groups of artists. Admission to event areas with a limited capacity is granted only within the scope of the officially approved audience capacities. If the admission volume is full, then the organiser may restrict admission temporarily, without this giving rise to a claim to a partial refund.

13.3 Our liability in the event of a cancellation prior to the beginning of the event, a postponement, or other material changes to the event is limited to the refund of the face value of the entry ticket. Personal arrangements made by the ticket holder, including for travel and accommodation in conjunction with the event, are made at the ticket holder’s own cost and risk. In such cases, we are not liable beyond refunding the face value of the entry ticket, and in particular not for futile expenses incurred. The exceptions under section I.3 apply accordingly to these limitations of liability.
A material change is when a change occurs which makes the event a materially different event than that which can be reasonably expected by the purchaser of a ticket. A change of artists in the line-up of the event does not constitute a material change in this sense.

13.4 Should the event be postponed, or a material change occur, the ticket price can only be refunded if we or, where appropriate, our ticket partners receive the refund request (and the return of the ticket, where appropriate) in good time. We must receive such refund requests no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the alternative event, or the materially changed event, as the case may be.

14. Closure/clearance of areas
For security reasons, the organiser may temporarily or completely clear and close individual areas of the event site, without this giving rise to a claim to a partial refund of the ticket price. The related instructions of the organiser, or the instructions of persons or companies contracted by the organiser, must be followed immediately to prevent danger to life and limb.

15. Weather conditions
In principle, the event will take place in any weather. However, the organiser reserves the right to interrupt or cancel the event at any time in the case of danger to attendees because of the weather. In the event of a corresponding interruption to the event, the attendee shall have no claims to a full or partial refund of the ticket price.

16. Notices / instructions
Also applicable are the current notices and the instructions of the on-site stewards as well as the current information on the organiser’s official homepage and the official festival app (where available).

17. Changes to the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs
We reserve the right to change, supplement, replace or otherwise modify the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs with immediate effect at any time. When making changes, we will take the interests of users into appropriate consideration.

If we change the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs, we will inform you of this on the Rolling Loud Europe website. The changed Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs will become effective six (6) weeks after this notification for all tickets purchased prior to the change, unless you object to the change within six weeks following the notification. Attendance of the event following the expiry of this period of six (6) weeks without objection will be deemed to constitute your consent to the changed Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs.

18. Severability clause
Should any clause of these Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs be or become invalid, the remaining clauses of the terms and conditions will remain expressly unaffected. Where applicable, the invalid clause will be replaced by a valid provision which the parties, acting in good faith, would have agreed if they had known that the provision concerned was invalid and which most closely approximates the economic purpose originally pursued by the invalid provision.


1. Applicability of the parking rules
The parking rules apply to all parking areas shown on the maps and to the roads and paths belonging to the event site (maps will pe published in due time before event at By purchasing the entry ticket and/or entering the site, the attendee submits to these parking rules. The use of the parking areas is included in the ticket price for the festival site.

2. Orders from stewards and security staff
The orders of stewards and security staff must be followed; they apply in addition to these provisions.

3. Applicability of the Austrian Road Traffic Act / use of the parking areas
The Austrian Road Traffic Act (StVO) applies on the entire event site and in the parking areas. Vehicular access to the campsites and festival site is also limited. Vehicles must be driven at walking speed at all times in the area of the event site and parking areas. Only vehicles with a total authorised weight up to max. 3.5t may be parked in the parking areas. Parking in unmarked areas is prohibited and will be prosecuted; vehicles may only be parked in approved parking areas or car parks. Vehicles parked outside marked parking areas or causing an obstruction on roadways or in rescue lanes may be towed away without warning. The towing fees will be charged to the person responsible for the obstruction.

There is no entitlement to being granted a specific parking area within the category booked. Parking areas are opened as required and allocated to attendees by stewards. Escape and rescue lanes must be kept clear of any obstructions at all times.

4. Termination of parking permits
A parking permit will be cancelled if the parked vehicle is uninsured and/or subject to compulsory deregistration and/or has no official number plate with a valid inspection tag and/or the vehicle has been parked with a leaking tank/engine or in an unroadworthy condition or in a condition that could pose a hazard.

5. No monitoring of car parks
The vehicles parked in the car parks are not monitored. Vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk. Stewards are employed for marshalling and for checking access authorisations, not for vehicle monitoring.

6. Liability of the organiser
The organiser is generally not liable for damage due to theft or damage to the vehicles parked in the car parks. The organiser is generally not liable for damage and losses incurred by the user and attendee due to burglary, theft, fire, natural phenomena, or other incidents. The liability limitations in this section 6 are subject to the restrictions according to the provision in section I. 3 (liability of the organiser) of the Rolling Loud Europe T&Cs. Valuables can be deposited in lockers in the left luggage office for a fee. The organiser is not liable for items deposited in the lockers.

7. Rescue lanes
Ground markings or other signage of the escape routes and rescue lanes must be observed. They must be kept clear under all circumstances.

8. Prohibition of animals
Animals, with the exception of guide and companion dogs, are not permitted in car parks. Dogs, with the exception of guide and assistance dogs, must wear a muzzle and be kept on a lead. Guide dogs and partner dogs must wear a lead harness.

9. Exclusion from the event
Failure to comply with the parking rules may result in temporary or complete exclusion from the entire event.

10. Other instructions/information
The current notices and the instructions of the on-site stewards as well as the current information on the official homepage and the official festival app apply in addition to the parking rules.

11. Prohibition of collecting refundable deposit bottles for commercial purposes
Collecting refundable deposit bottles in the parking areas for commercial purposes is prohibited.


1. Local scope of application
These House and Site Rules apply to the event “Rolling Loud” (hereinafter “Event”) at the venue “Festwiese Magna Racino” (Racino-Platz 1, 2483 Ebreichsdorf) (hereinafter “Venue”), organised by Live Nation Austria GmbH (Alser Straße 21/9, 1080 Vienna) (hereinafter “Organiser”) and govern the rights and obligations of the participants (attendees, the Organiser and its employees or persons and companies commissioned by it). The House & Site Rules shall be clearly displayed at all entrances/access points. Persons participating in the Event must comply with the provisions of the authorised and published House & Site Rules. Otherwise they will not be permitted to remain in the Venue.

2. Temporal scope of application / Event time
These House & Site Rules apply to the Venue for the duration of the Event (5 to 7 July 2024 from the start of the programme on the forecourt, daily from an expected time of 11:00 a.m., until 30 minutes after the end of the programme on the forecourt or the time at which the last attendee has left the Venue, including the forecourt). A Venue includes all buildings, rooms, facilities and open spaces used in the course of the Event, in particular waiting and queuing areas in front of the Venue.

3. Access controls / stay
Entry to the festival site is only permitted with either a valid entry ticket or with an attached, undamaged festival wristband accompanied by the associated entry ticket or with a valid festival pass. Participants in the Event are obliged to undergo a (possible) ID check by the supervisor(s) / security staff / stewards / other appointed representatives of the Organiser (hereinafter referred to as “Representatives of the Organiser”) when entering the Venue.
Representatives of the Organiser are entitled to search items of clothing, bags and containers carried by participants for prohibited or dangerous objects at any time before entering the Venue. Representatives of the Organiser are entitled to refuse entry to the Venue to persons who may pose a security risk (e.g. due to excessive alcohol consumption or carrying prohibited or dangerous objects). The same applies to persons who refuse to allow their clothing, bags or containers to be searched or their ID to be checked. In individual cases, the Representatives of the Organiser are also entitled to carry out such checks on persons participating in the Event who are already in the Venue. In the event of violations of the House or Site Rules, Representatives of the Organiser / the Lower Austria Provincial Police Directorate are entitled to expel offenders from the Venue. After the end of an event day, all attendees must leave the Venue as quickly as possible.

4. Protection of minors
Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to enter the Venue. In addition, the Lower Austrian Youth Protection Act as amended applies to the entire venue.

5. Security check & prohibited items
Any items or substances that could endanger the human life and health and jeopardise operational safety are prohibited.

In particular, the following are prohibited:

(a) Weapons of any kind, such as pepper sprays (any particularly dangerous object capable of threatening life or limb is considered a weapon);
(b) Bottles, jugs or cans of any kind and other items made of aluminium, PET, glass or any other fragile, splintering or particularly hard material, as well as Tetrapaks of any size. Exception: One empty, soft drinking container (tap water bag) with a maximum of 0.5 litres per person.
(c) Food, drinks and liquids of all kinds (exception: hand sanitiser)
(d) Bulky items such as ladders, stools, (folding) chairs, pushchairs/buggies, crates, camelbacks/drink rucksacks of any kind, suitcases of any kind, tents
(e) Bags or rucksacks of any kind that cannot be inserted into a 30 x 20 x 20 cm frame when full
(f) Cameras with a detachable lens or a lens diameter of more than 4 cm
(g) Laptops and tablets
(h) Video cameras or other sound or image recording devices (especially action cams)
(i) Tripods, selfie sticks, canvases and easels
(j) Umbrellas of any kind
(k) Helmets, masks & face coverings of any kind (with the exception of commercially available face masks as a hygiene measure)
(l) Flags or signs larger than a DIN A3 sheet of paper
(m) Flag or banner poles of any kind
(n) Fireworks, flares, sparklers, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnic objects
(o) Alcoholic beverages of any kind, drugs and stimulants of any kind
(p) Racist, xenophobic, politically radical, national socialist, sexist or political propaganda material
(q) Any advertising, commercial, political or religious objects, including banners, signs, symbols and leaflets and similar, as well as promotional and commercial objects and materials of all kinds
(r) Gas spray cans, corrosive, flammable, colouring or otherwise hazardous substances, or containers with substances that are harmful to health or highly flammable – exception: commercially available pocket lighters
(s) Electric motors or combustion engines, remote-controlled cars/airplanes/helicopters, especially surveillance drones
(t) Sky candles/sky lanterns/Kong Ming lanterns
(u) Large quantities of paper and/or paper rolls
(v) Noise instruments of any kind such as megaphones, air horns, rattles, whistles
(w) Laser pointers
(x) Bicycles, skateboards, snakeboards, inline skates, scooters, kickboards, Segways, pushchairs and similar vehicles
(y) Studded belts, chains, chains on wallets, necklaces
(z) Other objects that could jeopardise the safety and/or reputation of the artist or the Event

In case of doubt, the classification of objects as prohibited or permitted for the purposes of these House & Site Rules is the responsibility of the Representatives of the Organiser and the Lower Austria Provincial Police Directorate. To prevent prohibited items, a search will be conducted on all persons (by means of a body check) and accompanying items when entering the festival site. Persons carrying prohibited items for the purposes of these House & Site Rules will be denied access to the Venue. If persons are found on the event site with prohibited items, the Representatives of the Organiser are entitled to expel the persons concerned from the event site.

Permitted items include
(a) Wallet, purse
(b) Keys
(c) Small belt pouches and bum bags
(d) Small handbags / rucksacks up to DIN A4 size
(e) Bags made of clear plastic, clear vinyl or clear PVC, which do not exceed 44cm high x 37cm wide x 30cm tall in size
(f) Mobile telephones
(g) Empty collapsible drinking bottles up to 0.5 litres, max one per person
(h) Disposable cameras
(i) Pocket cameras
(j) Small necklaces
(k) Small power banks that fit into a regular trouser pocket
(l) Bottle of hand disinfectant up to 50ml
There are free drinking water taps on the festival site.

6. Bringing animals / parking vehicles
Animals, with the exception of guide dogs and assistance dogs, are not permitted on the premises. Dogs, with the exception of guide and assistance dogs, must wear a muzzle and be kept on a lead. Guide dogs and assistance dogs must wear a lead harness. The parking of bicycles, electric scooters, Segways or similar vehicles is only permitted in the designated parking spaces. In the event of non-compliance, the vehicles may be removed and stored by the Representatives of the Organiser at the expense of the offender.

7. Behavioural instructions during the Event
Flashes of any kind are prohibited during the Event for safety reasons.
All persons entering the Venue must behave in such a way that other persons are not harmed, endangered or harassed. Furthermore, they must behave in such a way that no damage is caused to structures, facilities, equipment or objects.

Unless expressly authorised (in writing by letter, fax or email) by the Organiser, all persons entering the event site are prohibited from:

(a) selling goods and tickets, distributing printed matter and organising collections, as well as carrying out other promotional or commercial activities without prior written (letter, fax, email) permission from the Organiser
(b) throwing objects of any kind or spilling liquids of any kind, especially in the direction of other people
(c) lighting fires, setting off or launching fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnic objects
(d) expressing or disseminating political propaganda and actions, racist, xenophobic, politically radical statements or slogans and emblems
(e) behaving in a way that others could interpret as provocative, threatening, discriminatory or offensive
(f) causing a situation that threatens the life or safety of oneself or others, or endangering another person in any way
(g) causing personal injury or damage to property at any time
(h) mounting or climbing over buildings and facilities not intended for general use, in particular facades, fences, chairs, benches, tables, walls, fencing, barriers, lighting systems, camera platforms, trees, mobile toilet facilities, masts of all kinds and roofs or similar
(i) entering areas (e.g. function rooms, VIP and media areas, etc.) that are not authorised for the general public or access authorisation does not apply to these areas
(j) constricting, obstructing or impairing roads, footpaths and vehicle paths, entrances and exits to attendee areas and escape routes
(k) writing, painting or pasting on structures, facilities, fences or paths
(l) defecating/urinating outside the toilets or littering the event site by throwing away objects – waste, packaging, empty containers, etc.
(m) flying over the event site, including partially, with remote-controlled flying objects, in particular surveillance drones
(n) launching sky candles/sky lanterns/Kong Ming lanterns or other similar miniature hot-air balloons
(o) consuming drugs or dealing them (for payment or free of charge)
(p) consuming alcohol in excessive quantities
(q) smoking indoors, on stands or under tent roofs
(r) engaging in activities such as moshing, crowd-surfing, the wall of death, circle pit etc.

8. Use of the facilities at the Venue
Valuables can be deposited in lockers in the left luggage office (if available). Canes and other walking aids (e.g. walking frames) may only be carried by frail persons as an essential support. Smoking/vaping/heating (tobacco) products is prohibited indoors, on stands or under tent roofs. Cigarettes may only be disposed of in the ashtrays provided for this purpose in the outdoor area. Waste, packaging materials and empty containers are to be disposed of exclusively in the waste containers provided at the Venue. Empty reusable cups are to be returned to all catering stands in return for reimbursement of the deposit paid.

9. Behaviour in the event of danger
In the event of danger (fire, accidents, etc.), the Representatives of the Organiser and/or the emergency services (fire brigade 122, police 133, ambulance 144) must be informed immediately: Keep calm and take care of your own safety.

10. Behaviour in the event of a storm
Please note that in the event of a storm, all participants are responsible for taking appropriate protective measures. In particular, standing under trees and in the immediate vicinity of technical structures can pose a hazard and should therefore be avoided.

11. Driving ban
Driving in the Venue is generally prohibited for single and multi-track motorised vehicles. Driving within the Venue is only permitted with the express permission of a Representative of the Organiser and must always be done with extreme caution and at a maximum speed of 7 km/h. The use of non-motorised vehicles and sports equipment such as bicycles, scooters, electric scooters, Segways, inline skates, skateboards, roller skates or similar vehicles is also prohibited in the Venue (except with the express written permission of the Organiser).

12. Image and sound recordings
Any person entering the Venue agrees to audio and or visual recordings being made of them, which may be used free of charge by means of direct or delayed video, direct or delayed broadcast or other transmission or recording, photos or other current and/or future media technologies. The Organiser reserves the right to monitor and record the entire event site or parts thereof using a video system.

13. Authorisation to issue orders
Any orders/instructions (e.g. through announcements via the public address system or megaphones) issued by the executive, the fire brigade and other emergency services and Representatives of the Organiser must be followed immediately and unconditionally by participants. In the event of non-compliance, the person concerned may be expelled from the Venue.

14. Legal consequences of violations
Persons who do not comply with the provisions of these authorised and published House or Site Rules are not permitted to remain in the Venue. Any violation of these House or Site Rules may be penalised by expulsion from the Venue. Any behaviour prohibited under administrative or criminal law will be reported to the competent authorities without exception.


1. Local scope of application
These Campsite Rules apply to the campsite of the “Rolling Loud” Event on the areas marked as the campsite at Magna-Racino-Allee / 2483 Erbreichsdorf via motorway exit “Erbreichsdorf West” (hereinafter “Campsite”), operated by Live Nation Austria GmbH (Alser Straße 21/9, 1080 Vienna) (hereinafter “Operator”) and govern the rights and obligations of the participants (attendees, the Organiser and its employees or persons and companies commissioned by it). The Campsite Rules shall be clearly displayed at all entrances/access points. By purchasing an entry ticket and/or entering the site, the attendee submits to these Campsite Rules. Persons using the Campsite must comply with the provisions of the authorised and published Campsite Rules. Otherwise they will not be permitted to remain on the Campsite.

2. Temporal scope of application / Event time
These Campsite Rules apply to the Campsite in the course of the “Rolling Loud” Event during its opening hours from 12:00 noon on 4 July 2024 to 12:00 noon on 8 July 2024. The Campsite includes all areas used in relation to the Campsite, paths and erected structures, in particular waiting and parking areas in front of the Campsite.

3. Prohibition of wild camping
Wild camping outside the designated camping areas is prohibited and will be rigorously prosecuted! Attendees may only use the designated camping areas.

4. Access controls / stay
Entry to the Campsite is only permitted while wearing an undamaged wristband issued by the Organiser and in combination with the corresponding admission ticket. Persons using the Campsite are obliged to undergo a (possible) ID check by appointed Representatives of the Operator when entering the Campsite.
Representatives of the Operator are authorised to search items of clothing, bags and containers carried by participants for prohibited or dangerous items at any time before entry to the Campsite. Representatives of the Operator are authorised to refuse access to the Campsite to persons who may pose a security risk (e.g. due to excessive alcohol consumption or the carrying of prohibited or dangerous items). The same applies to persons who refuse to allow their clothing, bags or containers to be searched or their ID to be checked. In individual cases, the Representatives of the Operator are also authorised to carry out such checks on persons who are already on the Campsite. In the event of violations of the Campsite Rules, Representatives of the Operator / the Lower Austria Provincial Police Directorate are entitled to expel the offenders from the Campsite. By the end of the opening hours, all attendees must have left the Campsite with the items they brought with them. Dismantling, cleaning of your own pitch, waste disposal and departure must take place by no later than 12:00 noon on Monday, 8 July 2024. Leaving the parking areas of the campsite is possible from 3:00 a.m. daily at the earliest and must be done by 12:00 noon on Monday, 8.7.2024 at the latest.

5. Protection of minors
Persons under the age of 16 are not permitted to enter the Campsite. In addition, the Lower Austrian Youth Protection Act as amended applies to the entire Campsite.

6. Prohibited items
Any items or substances that could endanger the human life and health and jeopardise operational safety are prohibited.
In particular, the following are prohibited:
(aa) Weapons of any kind, such as pepper sprays (any particularly dangerous object capable of threatening life or limb is considered a weapon);
(bb) Alarm guns, confetti guns etc.
(cc) Catapults of all kinds
(dd) Glass containers, in particular bottles and shishas, except perfume bottles
(ee) Beer kegs larger than 5 litres
(ff) Gas (gas cartridges, gas cylinders, etc.)
(gg) Charcoal in any form, firewood in any form
(hh) Gas or coal barbecues of any kind outside approved gas installations in mobile homes and caravans
(ii) Gas spray cans, corrosive, flammable, colouring or otherwise hazardous substances, or containers with substances that are harmful to health or highly flammable – exception: commercially available pocket lighters
(jj) Water-polluting substances and liquids (e.g. liquid barbecue lighters)
(kk) Electrical generators and petrol cans
(ll) Acid batteries
(mm) Dry ice
(nn) Icing sugar, sugar
(oo) Powder, coarse-grained materials
(pp) Fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnic objects
(qq) Sky candles/sky lanterns/Kong Ming lanterns
(rr) Drugs and stimulants of any kind
(ss) Racist, xenophobic, politically radical, national socialist, sexist or political propaganda material
(tt) Any advertising, commercial, political or religious objects, including banners, signs, symbols and leaflets and similar, as well as promotional and commercial objects and materials of all kinds
(uu) Electric motors or combustion engines
(vv) Remote-controlled vehicles and flying objects (including cars, aeroplanes, helicopters, and especially drones)
(ww) Large quantities of paper and/or paper rolls
(xx) Noise instruments of any kind such as megaphones, air horns, rattles, whistles
(yy) Speakers larger than a sheet of A4 paper
(zz) Bicycles of any kind, hoverboards, Segways, mopeds/mopeds and similar vehicles
(aaa) Furniture such as sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
(bbb) Tools that go beyond small, regular camping tools
(ccc) Ladders
(ddd) Ratchets
(eee) Powder and CO2 fire extinguishers

In case of doubt, the classification of objects as prohibited or permitted for the purposes of these Campsite Rules is the responsibility of the Representatives of the Operator and the Lower Austria Provincial Police Directorate. They also have the right to authorise exceptions. Bag and luggage checks are carried out when entering a campsite. Persons carrying prohibited items for the purposes of these Campsite Rules will be denied access to the Campsite Any items of this kind carried will be confiscated without replacement and will not be returned. If persons are found on the Campsite with prohibited items, the Representatives of the Operator are authorised to expel the persons concerned from the Campsite.

Permitted items

Permitted items include
(a) Tents, pavilions and accessories
(b) Personal clothing and equipment
(c) Provisions and drinks
(d) Environmentally friendly gel batteries authorised for camping use.

7. Bringing animals / parking vehicles
Animals, with the exception of guide dogs and assistance dogs, are not permitted on the premises. Dogs, with the exception of guide and assistance dogs, must wear a muzzle and be kept on a lead. Guide dogs and partner dogs must wear a lead harness. The parking of bicycles, electric scooters, Segways or similar vehicles on the Campsite or the fastening of these to structures, fences, barriers, etc. represents a safety risk and is prohibited / is only permitted in the designated areas. In the event of non-compliance, the vehicles may be removed and stored by the Representatives of the Operator at the expense of the offender.

8. Instructions for behaviour on the Campsite
All persons entering the Campsite must behave in such a way that other persons are not harmed, endangered or harassed. Furthermore, they must behave in such a way that no damage is caused to structures, facilities, equipment or objects.
A maximum area of 6m² is permitted for each attendee², e.g. 2m x 3m. One (1) pavilion of a maximum size of 3m x 3m is permitted for groups of up to 10 people. Pavilions must be set up in such a way that they cover at least 50% of a sleeping tent. Luggage may be transported using sackbarrows, handcarts, handtrucks and similar vehicles. Car trailers are not permitted.

Unless expressly authorised (in writing by letter, fax or email) by the Operator, all persons entering the Campsite are prohibited from:

(s) selling goods and tickets, distributing printed matter and organising collections, as well as carrying out other promotional or commercial activities without prior written (letter, fax, email) permission from the Operator
(t) throwing objects of any kind or spilling liquids of any kind, especially in the direction of other people
(u) smoking in wooded areas
(v) lighting fires or using open flames
(w) barbecuing with gas or coal/wood/briquettes/spirit or other flammable liquids
(x) leaving barbecues burning or burning out unattended or pouring charcoal onto natural areas (e.g. lawns) to burn out
(y) setting off or launching fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke bombs or other pyrotechnic objects
(z) expressing or disseminating political propaganda and actions, racist, xenophobic, politically radical statements or slogans and emblems
(aa) causing a situation that threatens the life or safety of oneself or others, or endangering another person in any way
(bb) causing personal injury or damage to property at any time
(cc) mounting or climbing over buildings and facilities not intended for general use, in particular facades, fences, chairs, benches, tables, walls, fencing, barriers, lighting systems, camera platforms, trees, mobile toilet facilities, masts of all kinds and roofs or similar
(dd) entering areas (e.g. function rooms, VIP and media areas, etc.) that are not authorised for the general public or access authorisation does not apply to these areas
(ee) constricting, obstructing or impairing roads, footpaths and vehicle paths, entrances and exits to attendee areas and escape routes
(ff) knocking over, writing, painting or pasting on structures, facilities, fences or paths
(gg) defecating/urinating outside the toilets or littering the Campsite by throwing away objects – waste, packaging, empty containers, etc.
(hh) flying over the Campsite, including partially, with remote-controlled flying objects, in particular drones
(ii) launching sky candles/sky lanterns/Kong Ming lanterns or other similar miniature hot-air balloons
(jj) consuming drugs or dealing them (for payment or free of charge)
(kk) consuming alcohol in excessive quantities
(ll) digging holes, channels or grooves
(mm) reserving areas for other attendees
(nn) collecting refundable deposit bottles for commercial purposes

9. Use of the Campsite facilities
Paths, facilities and all equipment on the Campsite must be kept clean and treated with care. This also applies to the toilets, showers and washrooms provided. For reasons of hygiene, waste water may only be emptied into the drains provided for this purpose. Smoking/vaping/heating of (tobacco) products is prohibited indoors and under tent roofs. Cigarettes may only be disposed of in the ashtrays provided for this purpose in the outdoor area. Waste, packaging materials and empty containers are to be disposed of exclusively in the waste containers provided on the Campsite. Empty reusable cups are to be returned to all catering stands on the event site in return for reimbursement of the deposit paid. The rubbish deposit is €20 (to be paid in cash on site as a prerequisite for using the Campsite). This will be refunded in full to your cashless band if you return a rubbish bag that is at least half full together with the receipt for the rubbish deposit paid to the drop-off points.

10. Behaviour in the event of danger
In the event of danger (fire, accidents, etc.), the Representatives of the Operator and/or the emergency services (fire brigade 122, police 133, ambulance 144) must be informed immediately: Keep calm and take care of your own safety.

11. Behaviour in the event of a storm
Please note that in the event of a storm, all persons are responsible for taking appropriate protective measures. In particular, standing under trees and in the immediate vicinity of technical structures can pose a hazard and should therefore be avoided.

12. Driving ban
Driving on the Campsite is generally prohibited for single and multi-track motorised vehicles. Driving on the Campsite is only permitted with the express permission of a Representative of the Operator and must always be done with extreme caution and at a maximum speed of 7 km/h. The use of non-motorised vehicles and sports equipment such as bicycles, scooters, electric scooters, Segways or similar vehicles is also prohibited on the Campsite (except with the express written permission of the Operator).

13. Image and sound recordings
Any person entering the Campsite agrees to audio and or visual recordings being made of them, which may be used free of charge by means of direct or delayed video, direct or delayed broadcast or other transmission or recording, photos or other current and/or future media technologies. The Operator reserves the right to monitor and record the entire Campsite or parts thereof using a video system.

14. Authorisation to issue orders
Any orders/instructions (e.g. through announcements via the public address system or megaphones) issued by the executive, the fire brigade and other emergency services and Representatives of the Operator (particularly the security staff) must be followed immediately and unconditionally by all persons. In the event of non-compliance, the person concerned may be expelled from the Campsite.

15. Legal consequences of violations
Persons who do not comply with the provisions of these authorised and published Campsite Rules are not permitted to remain on the Campsite. Any violation of these Campsite Rules may be penalised by expulsion from the Campsite. Any behaviour prohibited under administrative or criminal law will be reported to the competent authorities without exception.


1. If the purchaser is the consumer and has purchased their ticket online, then the organiser advises that, from 15 February 2016, the European Commission has provided a platform for online dispute resolution here: The email address of the organiser is:

2. If the attendee has not purchased their ticket online, then the organiser advises that he is unwilling to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in accordance with the Austrian Alternative Dispute Resolution Act.

3. A consumer is any natural person who purchases a ticket for purposes that are predominantly attributable to neither their commercial nor their independent professional activity.

Last updated: 30 April 2024